Sunday, April 29, 2007

Displace Me

I recently went to an event whose main goal was to change hearts and raise awareness for what is going on in Uganda. The following excerpt was taken from my journal. It captures my emotions as I watched people from all walks of life gather for a worthy cause. For more information please go to:

We are bound to one another. We are of one earth, one breath, and one creation. United in purpose a tower we will build. For the glory of One, not of many. By this we shall not be dispersed but be united. One call… one cry.

The community pulses. It has a heartbeat. Its blood flows from one, to the other, to the next. As waves travel through the ocean not resting till it’s found its shore so does His Spirit flow through us. But these waves know no shores. They know no boundaries. It is only tied to time. To the day when He says, "Return to Me."

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ave (Bird)

I never did pity a bird that had fallen
For there was a time when she flew
And I never did pity a bird that lay dying
For there was a time when she lived

And though she lay broken on the floor
Her body still holds the vestiges of Honor, Strength and Dignity.

We all fall.
What is important is how we stood

Ave is the spanish word for Bird. I have a facination with them. I envy their freedom. I envy their dominion over the sky. I see them as the embodiment of who we were before the fall. "They niether sow nor reap, they have no storeroom or barn, yet God feeds them." Creation freely praises its creator. No barriers. It is this that I envy the most.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Love is quite a powerful emotion. We find fulfillment in it, as well as devastation. It will lead us to destinations unknown, but in it we find our home.

I'm a traveler. When I turned 21, I stopped having a home. I have spent every summer since then traveling for love. For love of my Father, and for love of people who do not know of Him.