Friday, June 6, 2008

Many thanks

There are many reasons why I love people…
One reason is that they will always surprise you. I’ve had the privilege of knowing some of my friends for over five years now, and they still manage to surprise me. Then again… what else is to be expected from those who were Creatively Created by the Creator of all Creation?

Another reason is the potential they hold. I strongly believe that no one is beyond God’s redemption. To say that someone cannot be saved is to say that God is not enough. God can remold even the dirtiest, broken vessel into a work of art. That is beauty.

I am very thankful to the people who made this a really good birthday. My family who took me out to dinner last night, my sister Cristina who baked me a cake, Katie and Sheryl who went with me tonight to watch “Kung Foo Panda” (an awesome movie by-the-way) and all the people who either called me, sent me a card, or wrote on my facebook and myspace walls. Some of them being people I haven’t talked to in a while, but still cared.

Thank you for making me feel loved.